Monday, December 14, 2015

Home, Sweet Home

I made it back to Texas! Washington was great, but it’s always great to be back in the flat land of Lubbock. Obviously, I am going to greatly miss DC. The friendships I made there are fantastic, and I will certainly keep in touch with all of them. In addition, the lessons I learned in DC, about poverty, cultures, and just life in general, will certainly last a lifetime. Each day at my internship was tremendously interesting; I learned such important things about such an important issue. In addition, spending time with all of the friends I made there was great. It didn’t matter if we were at a museum, playing games, or just sitting around, we had fun through it all. I left my internship on fantastic terms and was told I have a letter of recommendation and a great reference whenever I want it, which is obviously a huge bonus. I have also met many fantastic and influential people, both at Cato and not, that can help me throughout my future. It will obviously take a while for the whole semester to sink in, but what has already hit me is how amazing of a semester it was. I am very blessed to have had this opportunity.

Thank you for letting me share my semester with you. I had a blast reflecting each week by writing these, and I hope you enjoyed reading them. It was great to hear everyone’s comments, stories, and advice as you related to me experiencing different cultures, doing research, and dealing with big city life!  Simply put, hearing all of these and having many people experience my semester with me made it truly unforgettable. Thank you for helping make this an unbelievable semester!
the great Cato crew!
Great friends and great roommates
My scholar, Michael Tanner, and me
Mike was fantastic the whole semester 

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